Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Studio News

After having my first public showing this past summer, I've been working on some new projects including a mural on some friends' lounge room wall. The wall itself is complete, but there's still a second phase that I'm currently working on. In addition, I have a couple separate pieces that both involve windows. They're adding the perfect new dimension with a style I used commonly for me and Matt's show Encode: Decode. I'm combining that with my next focus which are skylines. I moved to Chicago not so long ago, and absolutely love the city's skyline. It's a true inspiration for me which is why it's imperative my next residence includes at least a somewhat decent view.

One of the two window pieces (pictured above) will also include a medium I've never worked with, light. Fluorescent light to be exact. But instead of divulging everything to you now, I'll only share that much. I'm really excited to see it completed, but it's honestly been a slow moving project. I've been working on it more lately along with some other pieces, so it's nice to get back into some kind of rhythm.

Another project I'm excited about is my first collaborative piece with Tara Zanzig. It's a first for both of us in fact. I expect it to get more interesting as we each get more involved. It consists of two canvas, and we hand them back and forth every few weeks. I'll be getting them back any day now, and I'm very curious to see what she had done since I had last seen them. That excitement alone sorta makes this experience worth it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Things to do this Friday, 1.16.09

A couple things to note for Friday night in case you don't have any plans and would like to venture out in this crazy weather, which I suggest you do...

The first Drummer Vs. The Technician was a big success, so this promises to pack a similarly potent punch to the eardrums. My friends Meat Number 5 (DJ Once-A-Month & Ricky Ropesack) are on the bill again and are hinting at some new tracks performed that night as they're currently working on their next EP. I'm very excited for that. Maker was part of the show last year also, and I shouldn't have to say how dope it was. I've never been disappointed with anything Maker pumps through the speakers. It's at one of my favorite venues in the city, The Hideout, so this shouldn't be a show to miss.

Also, at the Chicago Country Club in Wicker Park is an art show dedicated to the memory of Brendan Scanlon (SOLVE). I'm excited for this because 1) it's my first art show I'll be attending in this new year; and 2) I've always enjoyed Brendan's work. I hear there'll be a wall for other artists to contribute to all pertaining to the man himself. Come out and show love to what was an extremely brilliant artist taken away senselessly from his family, friends and fans.


Saturday, January 10, 2009


I've been using flickr as my blog for the last year, but I recently decided to create this page for a more personal/detailed blog. It definitely won't be a daily routine, so if you're at all interested in keeping up with me, go on ahead and subscribe! I'll post updates on current projects and happenings as well as general life occurrences.

It was snowing when I went to bed last night, and this morning, I woke up to see that it was still snowing. It's 2 in the afternoon, and it's STILL snowing. We're supposed to get around 10 inches once the storm passes. Hopefully I get outside soon to snap some photographs. This weather outght to give me something good to capture!